
This page describes how to give money to help projects for St Gluvias Community Hall.

You can find out more about the projects on the Projects page.

By cheque to St Gluvias PCC (Hall Account).
The Hall Account contains the monies of the Hall Fund. It is a charitable ‘restricted fund’ of the PCC, completely separate from the main accounts.

The form you need to make your gift is here.
If you can, please use the Gift Aid Form included on the reverse of that same form.
Gift Aid gives us an 25p for every £1 given at no extra cost to you.

Cheques and forms, send  to: Annie Jones, Hall Secretary
5 Pickets Yard, St Thomas Street, Penryn, Cornwall   TR10 8JR

By bank transfer to:
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account: 0002 6964

Account name: St Gluvias PCC – Hall Account
Please add the Reference: ‘Gift + Your Name’
And contact Annie Jones, please, to let her know of your gift with your Gift Aid form
if applicable.

Whichever means you choose to give by – and however much you give,
Thank you very much! We are already seeing great improvements.

The next project?
The next project is Energy Saving. We are looking to add Batttery Storage to save on the general electricity (at high rate) and to a new Heating System which will attract the government’s renewable heat incentive payments.
These two projects will help us use more of our solar power ourselves and save buying so much energy for heating and lighting. The savings will go towards supporting our objects financially.

Further projects will continue to support, in a practical way, our objects for social justice and cohesion in the community.